Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chit Chat Cintamu Untuk Siapa?

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

The Khalifah Shop will be conducting a seminar for young Muslim girls aged 13-17 years old, entitled "Chit Chat Cintamu Untuk Siapa?".

The objective of the seminar is to instill in the girls' heart for them to prioritize their love, i.e. for themselves, their parents, our Rasululllah s.a.w. and of course Allah, being the ultimate priority in our lives. There will be lectures and fun activities including learning to take care of themselves, writing letters to their parents as well as Asma Ul Husna game.

The details of the seminar are as follows:
Date : 20th March 2010
Time : 8.30am to 1.00pm
Venue : Dewan Masjid Asy-Syakirin (KLCC)
Fee : RM50.00

All payments can be made before 18th of March, 2010 by:
1) Credit card at,
2) Bank Islam account: 12113010032607 (The LKS Network Sdn Bhd),
3) Cash at The Little Khalifah Shop.

For more information, please contact us at:
2750A, Jalan Changkat Permata, Taman Permata,
Ulu Klang, 53300 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03 – 41472626 Faks: 03 – 41471543

Download brochure here.